Battle Of The Spartoi

11” 14”


Cadmus, having followed the advise of the Oracle of Delphi, followed a cow with a moon shaped mark until it laid down to rest. While he made preparations to offer the animal to Athena as a sacrifice, he sent his entourage to fetch water for the rites. When his men did not return, he set out to discover the cause of the delay. He happened upon a scene hewn from a nightmare, the corpses of his comrades, dead and dying, their faces fastened in frozen screams, their skin blackened and weeping, their bodies distended from a corrosive venom. He set his eyes on the feet of a comrade disappearing down the glistening gullet of the Serpent of Ares. He rushed the beast, determined to avenge his party or die in the attempt. Victory favored Cadmus, and the horror was brought low. Athena advised him to remove the creature’s fangs, and sew half of them into the soil. The Spartoi, fully grown, fully armed warriors emerged from the earth not long after. Athena instigated Cadmus to throw a stone amongst them, and while it was not known if the fury lambent in their bosom was inherited from Ares, God of War, father of the Serpent, the Serpent itself, a rapacious, hateful reptile, or was simply latent in the hearts of all men, it’s explosive nature became eminently clear the moment the rock glanced of one of their helms. .

Two warriors from greek mythology fighting with swords and spears

Pegasus, Son Of Poseidon (SOLD)


Battle Of The Spartoi II (400)