Heracles And The Erymanthian Boar

12” X 17”

On Display

For his fourth labor, Heracles was tasked with capturing the Erymanthian Boar alive. In addition to being huge and ill tempered, the shaggy boar was swift, which ruled out chasing it down, and the parameters of this particular labor ruled out killing the beast using archery. Using the topography of snowy Mount Erymanthus to his advantage, he tracked the animal to it’s lair, and waited. When the boar emerged from it’s cave, Heracles let out a roar, startling the creature, and driving it into a deep snowbank. With it’s speed nullified, Heracles was able to throw a net over the boar and subdue it, returning to Tiryns, burden on his shoulders.


Heracles carrying the erymanthian boar, styles after the greek statue moschophoros the calf bearer



The Mares Of Diomedes (On Display)


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